What are the 8 Stages of Moon Cycle

Different Moon Phases Explained: Lunar Cycle

Our only satellite moon goes through 8 different phases during its monthly lunar cycle. Fullmoon 2021 is the most popular and celebrated stage of the moon. However, all the phases have their unique form and name. Our nearest celestial neighbor goes through a definite cycle every 28 days. If you are following lunar calendar, you must be knowing that moon begins its journey and reaches its full phase after 15 days. It takes another 14.5 days to complete its journey. 

During the moon cycle, we observe different forms of moon. The reason is the position of the moon on its orbit in relation to the Sun and Earth. Further, we have listed all the 8 phases of moon cycle. Do you know that every full moon in different months are also given different names? Some of the popular full moon names are pink moon, strawberry moon, corn moon, and cold moon.

Phases of Moon

Here are the different moon phases. We have also explained the form of moon during this phase.

     1.      New Moon Phase – The moon is complete invisible from our planet making the night the darkest one for us.

    2.       Waxing Crescent – The next phase after new moon when the moon starts appearing to us in a thin crescent curve.

    3.       First Quarter – The moon is in semi circle shape for us. This phase completes first 15 days and hence called first quarter.

   4.       Waxing Gibbous – Waxing gibbous phase is when the moon is seen more than the semi circle shape but less than full shape.

  5.       Full Moon – This is a festive night for earth as we see moon in its fullest illuminated form and the brightest one too.

 6.       Waning Gibbous – The full form of moon starts reducing or waning gradually and hence this phase is called waning gibbous.

 7.       Last Quarter - Here the moon is again in its half illuminated shape and hence called last quarter before it disappears.

8.       Waning Crescent – Here the moon once again takes crescent shape while reducing. Ths phase comes before new moon phase.

We are sure all the stages of moon are now clear to you. These moon phases are closely related to many cultural festivals and harvest activities. Keep following our blog to learn full moon 2021 dates and new moon schedule. Our blog also covers information related to equinoxes and solstices including summer solstice and fall equinox.


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