What is Solstice: Meaning Definition of Solstices

 Winter Solstice and Summer Solstice

An astronomical event called solstice happens twice in a year. The solstice occurs when the Sun reaches the southernmost or the northernmost point concerning the equator. This event as happens results in a major shift in the seasons in Northern Hemisphere and South Hemisphere. There are two solstices; winter solstice and summer solstice.Find more about the first day of seasons, equinioxes, and next full moon dates

Winter solstice happens in December in Northern Hemisphere. Vice Versa, it happens in June in Southern Hemisphere. In short, when the countries in one hemisphere are witnessing summer, another one is witnessing winter. The shift or the change in the seasons is determined by referring to the occurrence of the solstices and equinoxes.

Check more ifnormation about fall equinox on 123nextfullmoon.com

What is Winter Solstice

This year, the winter solstice will happen on 21st December 2021. It is also known as December solstice or midwinter or hibernal solstice. It happens when a pole of the Earth tilts at its maximum possible point that is farthest from the Sun. The day of the winter solstice is also the shortest day of the year and called the first day of winter. At the North Pole, it is a night time throughout the winter season.

Since our planet is not perpendicular on its axis, the tilt happens. Hence, the topmost and the bottommost part receive 6 months long night followed by 6 months long day. Norway is one such country where they have 6 months long night in winters. Similarly, in the summer season, the daylight continues for 6 months.

winter solstice and summer solstice

What is Summer Solstice

The literal meaning of the word Solstice is the sun standing still. In Latin, the Sol refers to Sun and Sistere means standing still. The seasonal movement happening in both the hemisphere stills the path of the Sun viewed from the Earth.

The summer solstice happens in June in Northern Hemisphere and in December in Southern Hemisphere. It is also called June Solstice or Strawberry Solstice or Mid Summer or the longest day of the year. This is the day when the night is the shortest and the day is the longest. The Sun is at the highest position in the sky concerning the pole of the earth. During this time, our planet is tilted at its maximum possible tilt towards Sun i.e. 23.44 degree.  

The summer solstice is the first day of summer in both the solstices when it happens. 21st June 2021 is the day first day of summer 2021 and called June solstice. Keep following us to know when is the first day of spring 2021.


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