First Day of Winter 2021: Official Start of Winter Season
When is the 1 st Day of Winter in USA Canada UK Do you want to know when the first day of winter 2021 is? 21 st December 2021, Tuesday is the first day of winter season in the Northern Hemisphere. This is also the shortest day of the year or the day when the earth receives minimum sunlight. This begins the season of long nights in the Northern Hemisphere. At the same time, the Southern Hemisphere witnesses the start of the summer season. This poste tells you the significance of the day and meaning of winter solstice. The first day of winter happens on the day when winter solstice occurs. We all know that autumn is the transition phase from warmer days to cold season. After the autumn is about to end, winter solstice happens. It is also known as December solstice or hibernal solstice. What Happens on Winter Solstice Day On the day of winter solstice, the poles of the earth are at their maximum tilt in a way that they are most distant from the Sun. It means the elevation of th